About Me

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A lover of the liberal arts, especially antiquity in its diverse forms, I am nonetheless wholly devoted to, utterly transformed by divine revelation. I seek to know the thought of the past, articulate my deepest longings aroused by the wise, and understand the uneasy relationship between reason and revelation; all for the sake of proper action and contemplation, both now and in the future.


Claymore over Break

I discovered yet a new anime - Claymore. I had passed over it a few times before, thinking it uninteresting, but my kid brother watched an episode and I watched the pilot soon afterwards. I have now finished little less than half the series, and though I could finish it quickly, wish to pace myself, for I like it very much.

Seldom has an anime had such a formative influence upon me. I mean that seldom have I wished to be a character more than now. The lone wolf hunter, quiet and exceptionally skilled; the nomad, mercenary wanderer traveling from village to village, killing demons at the citizens' behest; I wish to be one of them. Their weaponry and armor entrance me, their sense of service and duty awes me, as does their tragedy.

Oddly enough, Buffy the Vampire Slayer affected me in a similar way (though I suppose Claymore is more similar to Vampire Hunter D). In that case however, I wanted to be a Slayer because I thought only a man could do it right. The 'heroine' spent her time moaning and complaining; she had no sense of honor or duty and thus I despised her. But Claymores? They're different. They seldom complain, they normally work alone, and die at the hands of their comrades or are torn to pieces by demons. They are honorable, courageous, and deadly.

Alas, for fantasy is not the real world. It's a shame, really. I should have liked to live in that strange medieval-like world, killing demons and serving a shadowy, suspicious-looking organization. I, however, would learn from Teresa and Clare: never become attached to a human if you are a Claymore; it only leads to trouble.

Post Script: I have finished the series, and have doubts about the organization. extra-anime sources inform me the organization's purpose is creating superweapons (Awakened Beings) for powerful nations across the sea, that Rabona is but an island testing ground. This unnerves me and crushes my idealism, but I will remember it every time I watch the first six episodes.

Farewell, Rabona. I will serve you in my dreams.