About Me

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A lover of the liberal arts, especially antiquity in its diverse forms, I am nonetheless wholly devoted to, utterly transformed by divine revelation. I seek to know the thought of the past, articulate my deepest longings aroused by the wise, and understand the uneasy relationship between reason and revelation; all for the sake of proper action and contemplation, both now and in the future.


New Hardware

My rate of anime viewing declined sharply over the second semester. Distracted by Chuck and then isolated at HoneyRock, I watched very little from spring break to now. But I'm back at school in Fe, and you better believe that Saturday morning Anime club is up and running. But no more will I scurry like a desert rat to the computer lab! I ordered a laptop a few weeks ago, and word on the street is that it's arriving in but three days! I should have it hooked up to the Internet and watch my virgin anime Saturday morning. I think it will be Deathnote or Cowboy Bebop. Then I will watch the entire series, following it will another classic like Eva or Lain, and find something new! Apparently FLCL is very good.

I will be watching anime regularly come Saturday and Sunday, for the official Anime Club will be running by then as well. The Anime Archon (I forget his name) said we would begin with a Miyazaki film (naturally I am okay with this) and then something different.

I will check back again when I have my laptop. Cheers!

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