About Me

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A lover of the liberal arts, especially antiquity in its diverse forms, I am nonetheless wholly devoted to, utterly transformed by divine revelation. I seek to know the thought of the past, articulate my deepest longings aroused by the wise, and understand the uneasy relationship between reason and revelation; all for the sake of proper action and contemplation, both now and in the future.


Laptop Arrival

My laptop is here and connected to the Internet. Alas, no wireless, but we cannot all be in Annapolis, now can we?

I am reviewing Death Note and after it is done try something completely new - perhaps the anime adaptation of The Count of Monte Cristo. Truly that would be interesting. I am thinking either that or Monster, if I can handle the creepiness.

All things considered, I am thrilled to finally own a computer I may call my very own. The liberty! Studies and extra-curriculars permitting, the anime will come fast and hard. Saturday mornings, ooh-lah lah!

I had forgotten how very dark is Death Note. As to my support, Light probably has it in some respect; I would either do what he does or wish I had the courage to do so; I am certainly cynical enough to believe the moral nature of man is such that no other method will effect great change, but my faith presents problems. Could I justify an attempt to create the Kingdom of God here on earth? Evil men deserve justice and punishment; I have little animosity towards the so-called "vigilante justice". Far from attacking it, I am one of its stronger supporters. Light has my support in this at least: I doubt true justice is limited to the dispensation of the State.

No, I know I would not do what he does: use the power granted him to kill all criminals. I do not believe I could be trusted with such power, that it would present too great a temptation for misuse, that I would permit myself to be corrupted; no, that I would wish for my own corruption by wishing to abuse such power. I am not capable of it, and I doubt he is either. Is anybody? If a man were truly dedicated to true justice, could he kill those enforcing the Law upon him? The police agencies determined to apprehend him? People of no great evil who happen to get in his way? I think not. Such a man must never harm the innocent or the law, and this is where Light's moral failing is apparrent; from the first day he is willing to kill even his family.

Therefore, while I (in theory at least) support his action, and admire his courage, I do not believe I would do such a thing; nor do I believe any man is capable of remaining just while wielding such power.

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