About Me

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A lover of the liberal arts, especially antiquity in its diverse forms, I am nonetheless wholly devoted to, utterly transformed by divine revelation. I seek to know the thought of the past, articulate my deepest longings aroused by the wise, and understand the uneasy relationship between reason and revelation; all for the sake of proper action and contemplation, both now and in the future.


Gunslinger Girl

Fortunately I was not disappointed. The second season, though inferior to the first, had a unified story and the characters were well-drawn; the relationships between the units and their handlers was treated well, and the intensity went through the roof more than once. Overall, I was pleased. The few elements that marred the season were largely fan-service based: sketchy quick scenes of medical examinations (I really do not need to see a 12 year old girl half-dressed) and drawing Triela taller, more like a mid-adolescent and less like a child: in my opinion, increasing her sex appeal in the wrong direction. But these are minor complaints; there is no hint of inappropriate behavior between the girls and their handlers so I can be mostly okay with the presentation.

Taken as a whole, Gunslinger Girl is a fabulous series. It is alternately light and dark, intense and fun, serious but never superficial. The finale (if one were to call it that) is a tour de force on multiple levels. I will never hear Beethoven's Ode to Joy the same way again. The OVA was also good, perfectly characteristic of the manner in which the anime presents itself - brief action and long scenes of reflection.

Now I must find some new material. As stated before, quality anime is becoming difficult to find, for so much is opprobriously stupid (lighthearted is too generous). I dislike most anime comedies (Haruhi and AMG! are the only exceptions; the first because it is intelligent, the latter because of its treatment of love), so things like Love Hina or Clannad are out. I may miss out on some decent material but the reward is the paucity of bad anime I have seen - most anime I decry is praised by many others - Hellsing and Vampire Hunter D (not to be confused with Bloodlust, which I adored), for instance. Zach recommended Requiem for a Phantom, and I think I may agree. I wish a third season of Gunslinger Girl were written though. That is mostly what I want to watch and I am saddened that I have finished.

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